Structure Zone Identification as a Geothermal Fluid Path using Gravity Euler Deconvolution-Case Study on Geothermal Area AA

A. Armando, Y. Daud, Jatmiko Prio Atmojo

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


An Euler deconvolution technique is one of geophysical method for rapidly making depth of anomaly estimated from gravity. Preliminary results from Euler deconvolution of gravity survey (300 meter spacing station) which analyzing on geothermal prospect area, provide confirmation of a structure zone as a geothermal fluid path, such as fault and fracture. In addition, the data allow identification of the location and trend of contact fault that has not been recognized at the surface (satellite mapping). Contact faults can be interpreted from the Euler deconvolution gravity by using SI of 0.0, while dyke use SI of 1.0 and is represented as the boundary of negatif anomaly and positif anomaly on Gravity modelling. The experimental results show that the structure zone distribution of euler deconvolution is localized at a depth of 374 to 579 meters below the surface with a percentage of 59%. Especially, structural zones where are localized near upflow manifestations are at a depth of 374 to 783 meters below the surface, while structural zones where are near outflow manifestations are at a depth of 150 to 570 meters below the surface. This euler deconvolution structures zone are also inline with geology structure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012081
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2018
Event4th International Seminar on Sciences, ISS 2017 - Baranangsiang, Bogor, Indonesia
Duration: 19 Oct 201720 Oct 2017


  • Euler Deconvolution
  • geophysical method
  • structure zone


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