Strategy teaching of Education from batik technique and Hayan sabitah perspective

A. Kairina, N. S. Lestari

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


This research discusses the strategy of thinking about human relations with God, which is compiled through the parable of someone who produces a piece of batik cloth. The focus of this research is to explore a strategy, which contains two techniques or methods, namely, techniques that achieve life perfection that run parallel to batik techniques. The purpose of this study is to explain the achievement of human relations with God, through the workings of someone who produces a piece of batik cloth. This study uses a qualitative research paradigm procedure. The results of the study indicate that, there is one strategy that is used to instill certain concepts through batik techniques that have been widely known to the public. This strategy covers two techniques, which are carried out in one step. One technique with another technique complements each other. If both of these techniques are carried out separately it will indeed be very difficult to achieve the best results. With the strategy of teaching the concept of divinity through batik techniques, it is expected that the main teachings about the philosophy of divinity, called Hayan sabitah, can be easily conveyed. The technique of doing this comparison is intended so that the concept of Hayan sabitah which is a key to the perfection of human life can be achieved perfectly. Therefore looking for a simple way but related to everyday life, namely with batik techniques. That is why, in Javanese mysticism, it is often said that Hayan sabitah is a physical and spiritual struggle that must be lived by someone in his life.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012085
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 2019
Event1st International Conference Computer Science and Engineering, IC2SE 2019 - Padang, Indonesia
Duration: 26 Apr 201927 Apr 2019


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