Stakeholders' Perception of Village Financial Open Data Applications based on the Open Government Principles: Case Study of the Implementation of the Village Financial Open Data System in Wonosobo District

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This paper presents a report on the results of research on the implementation of open government in localgovernment. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the village financial open data applicationsystem based on the principles of open government, namely transparency, participation, collaboration,usefulness, and innovation. This research takes a case study on the implementation of the village financialsystem application "Mitra Desa" which is implemented in the Wonosobo district. The research method isdescriptive qualitative with the object of research is the stakeholders of the Village Financial Application system as many as 23 people consisting of village government officials, local government organizations andr epresentatives of community elements. Data collection techniques were carried out through focus groupdiscussions, interviews, and direct observation of the Mitra Desa open data financial application system. The results showed that the open data application had fulfilled the principles of open government. Thisresearch also succeeded in uncovering the comparative advantage of Mitra Desa over a similar applicationsystem developed by the central government. This application system requires innovation in technological progress, compliance with regulations, and human resource competencies to further encourage governmentperformance. This study has limitations in the number of samples, the period of observation, and theregulatory basis that applies at that time.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIn Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Open Government
  • Open Data
  • Village Financial
  • Mitra Desa


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