Spatio-temporal Changes of Water Quality Based on Water Quality Index Method in Tropical Lake of Indonesia

Puti Sri Komala, Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati, Noverita Dian Takarina, Luki Subehi, Marta Wojewódka-Przybył, Budhi Primasari

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2 Citations (Scopus)


In recent years, the water quality of Lake Maninjau, Agam Regency has decreased significantly along with the uncontrolled growth of fish cages. This study aims to determine the water quality index of Lake Maninjau, Indonesia, with extensive fish cages and analyse spatio-temporal distribution of the water quality of the lake. The secondary data (2018–2020) and the primary data (July–December 2022) were used in this study. Results showed that the water quality of Lake Maninjau is rated “poor” with the water index value of 39.44. The middle of the lake is the most polluted area. Water quality in the middle of the lake was 28.27, pH 7.77, 4.38 mg TSS/L, 4.06 mg DO/L, 5.06 mg BOD5/L, 22.60 mg COD/L, 0.09 mg TP/L, 1.63 mg TN/L, 19.41 mg sulphate/L, and 24.80 mg sulphide/L. It indicates that the distribution of pollutants is evenly distributed throughout the area, confirmed by the locations of the fish cages which are evenly distributed. Furthermore, the temperature, TN, and sulphide showed significant differences throughout the years, whereas in terms of location, merely dissolved oxygen was considerably different. This phenomenon is possibly affected by the vertical mixing of the lake as hydrodynamic factors. Overall, the study provides insight into the water quality in Lake Maninjau as well as the contribution of the fish cages to its water quality.

Original languageEnglish
Article number594
JournalWater, Air, and Soil Pollution
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023


  • Fish cages
  • Lake Maninjau
  • Pollutants
  • Spatio-temporal
  • Water quality index


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