Spatial Pattern of Tourism Business District (TBD) In Bogor City

F. N. Annisa, R. H. Koestoer, H. Anggrahita

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Bogor city as a Central Business District (CBD) has many tourism potentials that are interesting enough for tourist visitation. To increase that tourism potential, it needs identification of distribution and the attractiveness of the Tourism Business District (TBD) in Bogor city. The purpose of this research is to identify the distribution, analyze the attractiveness, and then analyze the demeanor of society towards the impact of TBD area. The methods used in this research were combined between GIS application and Likert scale techniques. The sample used in this research as many 100 tourists and 100 local residents. The result of this research was conducted by spatial approach combined with the Likert scale and nearest neighbor analysis (T); this quantitative model would drive the analyses of TBD. From analysis there are four characteristics of TBD in Bogor city, there are TBD of shopping and culinary nuanced, TBD of government nuanced, TBD of historic nuanced, and TBD of cultural heritage nuanced. From the distribution result, the pattern of TBD in Bogor city used an analyzed by nearest-neighbor analysis, and it categorized as random pattern. The highest attractiveness level of TBD in Bogor City is an activity aspect, and the lowest attractiveness level of TBD is the attraction aspect. The existence of TBD was impact to physical environment and social environment. The physical aspect was resulted of fixed up and progressed in infrastructure, and it made many tourisms facility availability, and the other impact of social environment was caused many chances to get a job for residents, cause many tourism facilities were built.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012003
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography, ICoSAG 2022 - Depok, Indonesia
Duration: 24 Nov 202225 Nov 2022


  • Attractiveness
  • Impact of TBD Area
  • Tourism Business District (TBD)
  • Tourism Facility


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