Spatial Analysis of Deforestation and its Impact on Carbon Emissions Using FREL

Mujiono, Tito Latif, Djoko Harmantyo

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The research aimed to analyze spatial patterns of deforestation in 1996, 2007, and 2016, and estimated carbon emission in the forest sector, both production forests, protected forests, and conservation forests in Bengkulu Utara district. Methods of spatial analysis change used land change modeller (LCM) while Forest Reference Emissions Level (FREL) was used as a reference in calculating carbon emissions. The analysis showed that deforestation in Bengkulu Utara district had caused a reduction in forest area of 24.965 ha (12%). The deforestation rate was much higher in the period 1996 - 2007. The conversion of forests in this area was quite alarming because an 8-fold was much higher than the deforestation in the district of Toba Samosir area of 3.002 ha and was not much different from the area of deforestation that occurred in the two districts at a time that the Konawe Utara district and Konawe district with an area of 54.583 ha. Deforestation had caused the loss of an area of 18. 266 ha of production forests, protected forests 5.290 ha and 1.401 ha of forest conservation. Plantation and open land encroachment was a major factor in the region. In a period of 20 years, the forest sector had accounted Bengkulu Utara carbon emissions by 614.889 ton. Look at the facts, the local government should make an effort to pressure the higher the rate of deforestation. Efforts can be made by means of changes in the concept of development of the land sector to other sectors (eg. education and small and medium enterprises), using the RTRW as the basic framework of development and FREL as a reference in calculating carbon emissions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Eventlst International Cohference on Geography and Education (ICGE 2016) - ID, Malang, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2017 → …


Conferencelst International Cohference on Geography and Education (ICGE 2016)
Period1/01/17 → …


  • Deforestation, land cover, FREL, carbon emissions


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