Skin Mottling as Clinical Manifestation of Cardiogenic Shock

Aldo Ferly, Isman Firdaus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A 59 years old male came to the emergency department with chief complain of dyspnea. Dyspnea has worsened since 3 days before admission accompanied with dyspnea on effort, orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. In the emergency department, patient experienced cardiac arrest after defecating, leading to cardiopulmonary resuscitation for 45 minutes. Administration of vasoactive drugs were done and the patient was intubated.Post resucitaiton physical examination showed that the patient was sedated, with blood pressure of 72/40 (on dobutamine support). Peripheral circulation examination showed cold and clammy extremities, skin mottling of the lower extremity with mottling score of 2. CRT is more than 2 seconds. Blood gas analysis showed severe metabolic acidosis with blood lactate of 8.1.Angiographic examination were previously done on the patient during the previous admission with the results of three vessels disease with a chronic total occlusion in the left anterior descending artery. However, patient had refused further intervention regarding the coronary problems. Patient also has longtsanding atrial fibrillation.Patient was admitted into the intensive care unit for further management. Patient was stabilized during admisison in the intensive care with inotropes, however despite the hemodynamic stablilization the skin remain mottled-regardless. Patient had complicating factors in the form of pneumonia and sepsis. Patient had difficulty in weaning the ventilator and died because of arrythmia complication.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)645-646
Number of pages2
JournalActa medica Indonesiana
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


  • Cardiogenic Shock
  • Peripheral Circulation Assessment
  • Skin Mottling


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