Sistem Informasi Arkeologi: Pangkalan Data Berbasis Daring Untuk Perekaman Data Artefak Tembikar Dan Keramik di Kawasan Percandian Muarajambi.

Ingrid H.e. Pojoh, Dian Sulistyowati, Arie Nugraha, Dicky Caesario

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Archaeological Information System: Network-based Data Resource for Recording Pottery and Ceramic Artifacts Data in Muarajambi Temples. Archaeological data recording activity still faces many problems related to the accessibility and availability of an integrated data recording system. Database system is one of the many other solutions to solve the problem. Data management and database content-making have shown integration between two different knowledge that created an instrument for data recording based on network, which is a way to communicate where messages are delivered online. For users, this application can be a media for doing research. As for the filler, this database system becomes a data recording instrument which works effectively and efficiently. For
students, this database system can also help to increase the analysis ability. This activity focuses on making a network-based database system for pottery and ceramic artifacts from Muarajambi temples.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)77-84
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2015

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