Aida Fithrie, Diatri Nari Lastri

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Gerstmann syndrome is consisting of four syjmptoms: finger agnosia, right-left disorientation, agraphia and acalculia, which is attributed to dominant hemisphere lesions affecting the angular gyrus. In this papper, a 42 years old man whose neurobehaviour examination shows: TOAG 82; MMSE 18. The patient has writing (paragrafia/ommission error and perseveration) and calculation disorders, right–left disorientation (all of these known as Gerstmann syndrome) with abnormal visuospatial and executive function. Ten days before examined, he had a moderate traumatic brain injury. Gerstmann syndrome is a permanent disorder, that will last an individual's lifetime. The prognosis can be very good if the patient is helped to understand his or her deficits, supported in using effective bypass strategies, and encouraged to continue developing his or her areas of strength.
Original languageIndonesian
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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