Simulation of intelligent Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for military surveillance

M. Anwar Ma'Sum, M. Kholid Arrofi, Grafika Jati, Futuhal Arifin, M. Nanda Kurniawan, Petrus Mursanto, Wisnu Jatmiko

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

176 Citations (Scopus)


Nowadays, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an important technology for military and security application. Various missions can be done using UAV such as surveillance in unknown areas, forestry conservation, and spying enemy territory. Application which is developed in this research has a purpose to simulate condition in war zone for spying the enemy. Platform used in the experiment is Parrot AR. Drone ver.2.0, an mini quadrotor which was developed by Parrot SA. This quadrotor controlled by Robot Operating System (ROS) framework. The quadrotor will search and recognize some objects and locate their location. Many algorithms were used to do the mission. To recognize object Adaboost Classifier and Pinhole Algorithm were used. The result shows that average error for all scenario is only 0.24 meters.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2013 5th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems, ICACSIS 2013 - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 28 Sept 201329 Sept 2013


Conference2013 5th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems, ICACSIS 2013


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