RoBERTaEns: Deep Bidirectional Encoder Ensemble Model for Fact Verification

Muchammad Naseer, Jauzak Hussaini Windiatmaja, Muhamad Asvial, Riri Fitri Sari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The application of the bidirectional encoder model to detect fake news has been widely applied because of its ability to provide factual verification with good results. Good fact verification requires the most optimal model and has the best evaluation to make news readers trust the reliable and accurate verification results. In this study, we evaluated the application of a homogeneous ensemble (HE) on RoBERTa to improve the accuracy of a model. We improve the HE method using a bagging ensemble from three types of RoBERTa models. Then, each prediction is combined to build a new model called RoBERTaEns. The FEVER dataset is used to train and test our model. The experimental results showed that the proposed method, RoBERTaEns, obtained a higher accuracy value with an F1-Score of 84.2% compared to the other RoBERTa models. In addition, RoBERTaEns has a smaller margin of error compared to the other models. Thus, it proves that the application of the HE functions increases the accuracy of a model and produces better values in handling various types of fact input in each fold.

Original languageEnglish
Article number33
JournalBig Data and Cognitive Computing
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


  • fact verification
  • fake news
  • FEVER dataset
  • homogeneous ensemble
  • RoBERTa
  • RoBERTaEns


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