Risk-Adjusted Analysis of Relevant Outcome Drivers to Patients with Diabetes

Zaqqi Ubaidillah, Yulia Yulia, Henny Permatasari

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Clients with diabetes are particularly at high risk of traffic accidents that might be caused by the acute complications such as, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia as well as chronic complications such as, micro-vascular diseases, macro-vascular diseases and neuropathy. Objectives: This study aimed to get an in-depth understanding about the experience of diabetic clients during driving car or riding motorcycle at Depok city. Method: Six participants were recruited using a purposive sampling method. A Colaizzi content analysis was employed. Results: Seven Themes emerged depicted the meaning of experiences of driving among DM clients. The seven themes were interdependence. Conclusion: This study concluded that diabetes clients who actively drive had high risk of having road accident. This study suggested the necessity of regulation and education for clients with diabetes who actively drive.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2017)
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventHealth Science International Conference (HSIC 2017) - Malang, Indonesia
Duration: 4 Oct 20175 Oct 2017


ConferenceHealth Science International Conference (HSIC 2017)


  • Diabetes Client
  • Driving
  • Accident Risk
  • Theme
  • Regulation And Education


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