Retention of uninfected red blood cells causing congestive splenomegaly is the major mechanism of anemia in malaria

Steven Kho, Nurjati C. Siregar, Labibah Qotrunnada, Aurélie Fricot, Abdoulaye Sissoko, Putu A.I. Shanti, Freis Candrawati, Noy N. Kambuaya, Hasrini Rini, Benediktus Andries, David Hardy, Nur I. Margyaningsih, Fauziyah Fadllan, Desandra A. Rahmayenti, Agatha M. Puspitasari, Leo Leonardo, Bagus T.G. Yayang, Dewi S. Margayani, Pak Prayoga, Leily TriantyEnny Kenangalem, Ric N. Price, Tsin W. Yeo, Gabriela Minigo, Rintis Noviyanti, Jeanne R. Poespoprodjo, Nicholas M. Anstey, Pierre A. Buffet

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7 Citations (Scopus)


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