Responsivity and NEP Improvement of Terahertz Microbolometer by High-Impedance Antenna

Arie Pangesti Aji, Hiroaki Satoh, Catur Apriono, Eko Tjipto Rahardjo, Hiroshi Inokawa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


The antenna-coupled microbolometer with suspended titanium heater and thermistor was attractive as a terahertz (THz) detector due to its structural simplicity and low noise levels. In this study, we attempted to improve the responsivity and noise-equivalent power (NEP) of the THz detector by using high-resistance heater stacked on the meander thermistor. A wide range of heater resistances were prepared by changing the heater width and thickness. It was revealed that the electrical responsivity and NEP could be improved by increasing the heater’s resistance. To make the best use of this improvement, a high-impedance folded dipole antenna was introduced, and the optical performance at 1 THz was found to be better than that of the conventional halfwave dipole antenna combined with a low-resistance heater. Both the electrical and optical measurement results indicated that the increase in heater resistance could reduce the thermal conductance in the detector, thus improved the responsivity and NEP even if the thermistor resistance was kept the same.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5107
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2022


  • antenna
  • electron beam lithography
  • folded dipole
  • halfwave dipole
  • heater
  • noise equivalent power
  • responsivity
  • terahertz
  • thermal detector
  • thermistor


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