Relationships pattern of social media addiction level to morality level, apathetic level and academic score

I. Ralasari, R. Setiadi, S. M. Soemartojo

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Social media addiction is a situation where student uses social media until they do not have time or willingness to do anything else. Social media addictions have already influenced teenagers in many countries including the students at XYZ high school. Social media addiction can affect morality level of the students because of the contents appeared in the social media. They can be influenced by the chatting, pictures and others things when they use social media. The value in the social media is not always good. Sometimes it contains violence, infidelity, drugs, pornography etc. These things are dangerous for the morality of the students. Other than that, social media addiction causes student's apathetic level will be increased. Students are very interested to chat in social media and do not care of others. Beside it, the students tend to have low academic score because they use their time more to use media social. All of these are very dangerous to the future of the students. Because of these reasons, the writer wants to know the pattern of relationship between social media addiction and morality level, apathetic level and academic score. These variables are latent variables so the data analysis will use partial least square method to solve the problem. The findings of the data analyses show that social media addiction level affect academic score and apathetic level of students in XYZ high school and the morality level affects students' academic score in XYZ high school.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012033
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jan 2020
EventBasic and Applied Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference 2017, BASIC 2017 - , Indonesia
Duration: 18 Aug 201719 Aug 2017


  • academic score
  • apathetic level
  • morality level
  • partial least square
  • social media addiction


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