Relationship between the levels of family burden in caring for older people with the incidence of mistreatment


Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: Caring for older people can be a burden for the family that led to mistreatment. Objective: To determine the relationship between the levels of family burden in caring for older people with the occurrence of mistreatment incidence. Design and participants: A cross sectional study design was conducted with 135 older people who live with their family as respondents. Setting: 135 families with older people at Kelurahan/Village of Harjamukti area, Kecamatan/ District of Cimanggis, Depok city. Method: This study applied probability sampling technique with multistage cluster sampling. Results: Family characteristics show that almost half of older people were caring by family members (caregivers) who were aged 20-39 years, nearly all caregivers were women, family income mostly less than UMK, families mostly monosyllabic nation Betawi and caregivers mostly were their own child. Most of the families stated that no expense in caring for the older people (89.6%), but there are still families who feel the burden of caring. The highest type of mistreatmet of the older people is psychological mistreatments. Conclusions: From the statistical test obtained by p value equals to 0.553, it was concluded there was no correlation between the incidences of any family burden with mistreatment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)74-78
Number of pages5
JournalEnfermeria Clinica
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


  • Burden
  • Family
  • Mistreatment
  • Older people


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