Rekonstruksi deformitas malar pada fraktur lama multipel wajah menggunakan kartilago iga dan silikon

Dini Widiarni, Arroyan Wardhana, Endang Mangunkusumo, Yunia Irawati

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Background: In old traumatic multiple facial fractures, connective tissue and fibrosis were formedwhich make them difficult to be repaired. Purpose: To illustrate to ENT- Head and Neck surgeons asreconstructive surgery could restore the aesthetic and function in facial deformity. Case: Two cases ofold multiple facial fracture were reported. One case was a 32 years old man with history of falling froma tree three years ago and second case was 41 years old man with history of car accident two years ago. Case management: Those two cases were managed with facial reconstruction and malar augmentation using rib cartilage, plate and screw andsilicon implant. Conclusion: Facial reconstruction using rib cartilage autograft, plate and screw or silicon implant could be repair malar asymmetry. Facial analysisin facial reconstruction is important in determining the site of implantation precisely.
Original languageIndonesian
JournalOto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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