Regression test on the rotational speed between two loads as the preparation for braking system

B. S.R. Purwanti, Feri Yusivar, I. Garniwa M K

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


This paper is preparing the mathematic model of braking control, continuously of determination the error (e), delta error (de) of speed reduction [9]. Load-1 and Load-2 are driven by an electric motor located on the same shaft. Both loads are driven clock wise (CW), counter clock wise (CCW) by an asynchronous three-phase motor (M3). The mass of each load is also differentiated to simulate slip phenomena. Rotational speed of M3 is equal to Load-1, detected by Sensor-1, while speed rotation of Load-2 is detected by Sensor-2. The rotation for Load-1 and Load-2 can be adjusted on several position Hj (j 1, 2, 3). Once Load-1 and Load-2 reach a constant speed, current source will be disconnected. Speed reduction from (ω±1475 rpm) to stagnant (ω=0 rpm) on Load-1 and Load-2 is considered time function. Data collected from both load (ω (t)) known as e, de; on each position of Hj. It uses covariance analysis to make sure that both loads are concurrent with each other against time difference. The objective of this research is to determine slip phenomena of speed reduction of each load. The expectations are to generate smoother braking and minimize the time needed when implemented with ANFIS.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012011
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event2013 International Conference on Science and Engineering in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, ScieTech 2013 - Jakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 24 Jan 201325 Jan 2013


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