Refugee Burden Sharing: An Evolving Refugee Protection Concept?

Arie Afriansyah, Angky Banggaditya

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article discusses cooperation between states as part of the international community in handling and protecting the refugees which arrive in one's territory massively, observed from international law standpoint. The concept of cooperation, which is further known as burden sharing concept, is rooted from the principle of international cooperation and international solidarity which is developing as a principle agreed by states and are widely recognized as a general principle of law. The central question is how such concepts exists under international law and how is the implementation by states, especially Indonesia. It concludes that burden sharing is a concept that is still evolving so that there is no rigid guidance in the implementation yet. Therefore, there are varieties of implementation mechanisms among states. In relation with Indonesia, it needs support from other countries in handling the mass influx of refugees, especially the Rohingya refugees. Finally, this article suggests that as a part of international community, states should always assert their contribution in accommodating the mass influx of refugees which certainly would very burdening if it is handled only by one state.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)333-356
JournalJurnal Arena Hukum
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017


  • international cooperation, burden sharing, international solidarity


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