Reducing Nitrous oxide emission using goat Manure-Compost based biofilter

Tarda Surya Utami, Lila Adriaty, Heri Hermansyah

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Biofiltration is the latest technology of pollution control for removing N 20 with compost as medium filter. This technology has many advantages, such as low installation and operation cost, secure operation, low energy consumption, good stability and able to remove pollutant with high efficiency. Effects of N 2O flow rate, water content and use of natural and synthetic nutrient supplement in compost which is added by Nitrobacter, sp. will be investigated towards N 2O gas removal efficiency for 9 hours in batch system. Decreasing concentration of N 20 was analyzed with Gas Chromatography (GC) and increasing quantity of microorganism in compost as filter medium was analyzed with Total Plate Count (TPC). The result indicates that the highest N 2O gas removal efficiency is obtained under biofilter length of 50 cm, gas flow rate of 72.02 cc/min and 60% water content. The result shows that N 2O gas removal efficiency could be optimized by adding synthetic nutrient supplement to compost which has been mixed with Nitrobacter, sp., with 75.9% of removal efficiency. Results of TPC show increasing bacteria population after biofiltration process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)226-232
Number of pages7
JournalWorld Applied Sciences Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Biofilter
  • Compost
  • N o
  • Nitrobacter
  • Removal efficiency
  • Sp


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