Recycled aggregate concrete beam: Experimental study using digital image correlation (DIC) and numerical study using multi-fibre Timoshenko beam element in CAST3M

Bias January Parmadi, Nuraziz Handika, Daniel Sutanto, Bastian O.B. Sentosa

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


As a part of study on recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) application on structural element, experiments on simple beam using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) results and numerical study results are presented. The experimental study involves a 3000 x 150 x 250 mm3 beam with semi-cyclic loading using DIC to investigate the load vs. deflection, strain, and cracking behavior, with comparison to measurement using LVDT and cracking formation on the sample. The numerical study is done in CAST3M using Timoshenko multi-fibre beam element with Mazars and Unilateral La Borderie concrete model along with PARFAIT_UNI for the steel model, with the objective of replicating the load vs. deflection graph and strain distribution of the experiment. From the experiment, the results for midspan deflection from DIC are similar with readings from LVDT and from the strain distribution the beam experienced flexural and inclined cracking during the loading phase, while majority of flexural cracking closed during unloading phase except two locations where permanent cracking has formed at yield limit. From the numerical study, Mazars and unilateral La Borderie concrete model along with PARFAIT_UNI steel model using multi-fibre Timoshenko beam element could approach the load vs. deflection graph of the experiment using monotonic loading. On the other hand, the numerical model shows less residual deformation and higher load capacity during loading-unloading cycle using semi-cyclic loading. The Numerical model strain distribution obtained using unilateral La Borderie concrete models cannot show specific location where cracking happens, but it can show the area where cracking will likely be distributed.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAIP Conference Proceedings
EditorsChan Mieow Kee, Leelavathi Rajamanickam, Wang Chan Chin, Tan Yong Chai, Shamini Janasekaran, Salmaliza Salleh, Lim Mee Wei, Muhammad Zulhaziman Mat Salleh, Nurulazlina Ramli, Ho Kah Chun, Rajamohan Parthasarathy
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9780735447530
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2023
Event2022 International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Advanced Technology, ICSEAT 2022 - Kota Damansara, Malaysia
Duration: 16 Jun 202217 Jun 2022

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (Print)0094-243X
ISSN (Electronic)1551-7616


Conference2022 International Conference on Sustainable Engineering and Advanced Technology, ICSEAT 2022
CityKota Damansara


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