Qualitative Analysis using HFACS Model on Factors Causing Risk-taking Behavior at Workplace

Rizky Yuli Ikhwanuddin, Zulkifli Djunaidi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Introduction: The risk of workplace accidents, according to the 2022 Indonesian National Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Profile, is mainly influenced by human factor in safety. This factor includes risk-taking behavior at workplace. One of the industrial sectors that needs a highlight in investigating risk-taking behavior is mining industry, which has 100% increase of workplace accidents in 2022. Objective: This paper explores several results from research which aims to identify factors causing risk-taking behavior at workplace. Method: Qualitative approach of a research is explored in this paper. The participants of this study were 283 employees of PT. XYZ Site A, a mining contractor company in Indonesia, ranging from managers, supervisors, and workers. The primary data of this paper was collected from the answers and reasons that the participants wrote in a questionnaire with open-ended questions, while the secondary data of this paper was taken from SMKP implementation documents and records obtained from PT. XYZ Site A. These data were then analyzed qualitatively using HFACS (The Human Factors Analysis and Classification System) Model. Result: As per HFACS analysis, risk-taking behavior at workplace is caused by individuals’ internal factors that are mainly due to self errors and complacency, as well as external factors, which are predominantly coming from operational targets to achieve, given by both supervisory and managerial levels. Conclusion: All levels of HFACS contribute risk-taking behavior at workplace, in which organizational influences level is the one whose all sublevels play roles in triggering such behavior. Organization needs to improve its resource management, organizational climate, as well as safe organizational processes to minimize risk-taking behavior at workplace.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2506-2513
Number of pages8
JournalMedia Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


  • HFACS Model
  • Human Factors in Safety
  • Risk-Taking Behavior


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