Psychosocial and Mental Health Difficulties among Adolescents with Body Image Dissatisfaction

ARI PRAYITNO, Yoga Devaera, Bernie Medise, Kholisah Nasution, Mulyadi M Djer, Evita Karianni Bermanshah, R. Adi Teguh Perma Iskandar

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Background: Adolescents’ psychosocial and mental health is affected by body image. However, adolescent body image dissatisfaction (BID) is noted as an epidemic problem worldwide and limited studies in developing countries were performed. This study aimed to assess the association between psychosocial-mental health difficulties and BID among adolescents in Indonesia.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in high schools in Jakarta selected by cluster random sampling. The randomly selected students aged 14-18 from each school were provided with online questionnaires, including Body Dissatisfaction Scale (BDS), Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), and Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (KPDS).

Results: There were 327 subjects who filled out the questionnaire completely and were included in the analysis. The common psychosocial and mental health difficulties in adolescents in this study were hyperactivity-inattention, peer problems, and emotional problems (30%, 20.8%, and 20.2% consecutively). The overall psychosocial and mental health scores were not statistically higher in the BID group, but the emotional symptom scores were significantly higher in the BID group (p=0.023). The correlation between stress level and emotional symptom scores is also strong (p<0.001, r=0.701).

Conclusion: Public health interventions are needed to assist adolescents to improve their body confidence and develop a resistant coping mechanism.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Sept 2022

Publication series

NameResearch Square


  • body image
  • body dissatisfaction
  • psychosocial
  • mental health
  • emotional
  • adolescent


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