Psychoeducation of Positive Parenting for Mothers with Middle-to-low Socioeconomic Status

Mahardhika annisa Tuzzuhro, Puji lestari Suharso, Efriyani Djuwita

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Families in middle-to-low socioeconomic status tend to have less comprehension about positive parenting, which may hinder child optimal development, especially in criticalage i.e. 3 to 5 year old. Psychoeducation is one of interventions which is needed toimprove comprehension of positive parenting to children. This study aims to find the effectiveness of psychoeducation in improving comprehension of positive parenting. Thisstudy design is one group pretest-post test design. Subjects of this study are 14 motherswith middle-to-low socioeconomic status background. The psychoeducation was held forthree sessions through video conference. The data were collected 3 times, before the intervention, immediately after the intervention, and 2 weeks after the intervention. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test shows significant score difference between before and after psychoeducation was provided (p < 0,05). This indicates increasing scoreof positive parenting related understanding in mothers after attending the psychoeducation. However, there was derivation score of mothers' comprehension in 10 days after the intervention. This study limited to cognitive area, next can be elevated into affective or psychomotor area.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-41
JournalJurnal Ilmiah Psikologi MindSet
Issue number01
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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