Protection of Rohingyan Child Refugees within Local Wisdom 'Peumulia Jamee' in Aceh

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This research aims to describe and analyze Acehnese local wisdom in the protection of Rohingya refugee protection in Aceh, Indonesia. The people of Aceh have a local wisdom commonly referred as 'Peumulia Jamee', which means a form of honor in Indonesian language. This normative research puts emphasis on the protection for Rohingyan child refugees in shelter camps. The study collected primary, secondary, and tertiary data from literature review. Results of this research explain how the ancient local wisdom can provide protection for refugee children and help fulfill their basic human rights. Furthermore, this research will clarify whether there is any difference in rights fulfillment between refugee children and local children. This research analyzes whether the local wisdom is implemented only to protect and assist refugees in general or whether there is any special attention given to refugee children. As it is known that up to now Indonesia has not ratified refugee convention. Hence, all matters related with Rohingya refugees within Indonesian region is attributed to UNHCR responsibility. This is contrary to Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC), which has been ratified by Indonesian Government. The Rights of children according to CRC falls into four categories. First is survival right, the basic right to survive and receive the best health care possible. Second is protection right, the right for children to be protected from discrimination, exploitation, violence and abandonment. Third is development right. Children should be able to obtain education and to achieve good living standard for their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. Fourth is participating right, the right to express opinion in all matters affect them. This research answers whether 'Peumulia Jamee' local wisdom that exists in Aceh is able to meet those rights fulfillment toward refugee children in accordance with CRC.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventInternational Conference on Social and Political Issues (the 1st ICSPI, 2016) Knowledge and Social Transformation - ID, Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2018 → …


ConferenceInternational Conference on Social and Political Issues (the 1st ICSPI, 2016) Knowledge and Social Transformation
Period1/01/18 → …


  • Child Protection
  • Aceh
  • Local Wisdom
  • Rights of the Children
  • Rohingya Refugees


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