Potential of PALSAR SCANSAR data for oil palm plantation in growth monitoring and mapping

I. Carolita, M. S. Rosid, A. Ibrahim, D. Dirgahayu, H. Noviar, J. Supriatna

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The main objective of this study is to analyze the potential use of L-band radar data with 100 meter spatial resolution for age estimation of oil palm. Age of oil palm are very important parameter to be investigated, because age and condition of oil palm are the main factors for yield forecasting, biomass estimation, replanting plan, fertilization plan, etc. As sensitive to roughness and moisture, the variations of oil palm backscatter that received by SAR satellite caused by the differences of oil palm age. This condition give possibility to investigate the relation between backscatter and age. Four radar images were acquired using the Scanning synthetic aperture radar/Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ScanSAR/ALOS)-2 sensor over the oil palm plantation in Tandun Riau, July 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The information about ages from very young up to mature were gathered from oil palm plantation of PTP N V in Tandun.. The growth model equation was built to describes the development of backscatter of oil palm from young age to mature age. Method to get growth model is regression analysis. The growth model that has been obtained is logarithmic equation with R2 around 0,90 for HH SAR polarization. Growth model then can be used for age estimation and produce oil palm map based on it's age that can be used for yield estimation, as well as for oil palm's condition monitoring including it's health.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012091
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2021
Event1st Universitas Lampung International Conference on Science, Technology and Environment, ULICOSTE 2020 - Bandar Lampung, Virtual, Indonesia
Duration: 18 Nov 202019 Nov 2020


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