Potassium chloride impregnated on activated green mussel shells (KCL/AGMS): An active catalyst towards knoevenagel condensation

Bayu Ardiansah, Ridla Bakri, Yudis Ananda Putra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Knoevenagel condensation represents one of the most important C-C bond forming reactions in organic chemistry. The typical reaction was carried out commonly in the presence of homogeneous acid as well as basic catalysts. With the problems like corrosive and high catalyst amount, the search for a new heterogeneous catalyst is an attractive research topic in this area. KCl supported on activated green mussel shell (KCl/AGMS) was prepared by impregnation method and characterized by some analytical instrumentations (IR, XRD, SEM, EDAX). The prepared materials shows an incredible catalytic ability in Knoevenagel condensation of ethyl acetoacetate with aromatic aldehydes to produce condensed products 3a-3d in medium to good yields (60-94%). The findings disclose a mild route for the synthesis of Knoevenagel products using a cost-effective and green catalyst.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-49
Number of pages7
JournalJurnal Teknologi
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • Green mussel shell
  • KCl/AGMS
  • Knoevenagel condensation
  • Solid catalyst


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