Post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS) in nurses post-earthquake disaster in Indonesia

Mustikasari, Junaiti Sahar, Harif Fadhillah, Anggi Pratiwi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS) may be experienced by individuals who were traumatized by unpleasant experiences, such as earthquakes, which occur suddenly, and are diffi cult to predict. This study is aimed to explore PTSS experienced by nurse survivor following earthquakes in several areas in Indonesia. A qualitative study was conducted to participants with the following criteria: nurses who were actively working in the primary level health care services (health centers) and had experienced PTSS as determined by screening results. The study was conducted in regencies/cities that have experienced earthquakes in West Sumatra, North Sulawesi, Yogyakarta, East Java, and Banten. Data were collected for 3 months, between September and November 2011. Participants were recruited through purposive sampling according to the inclusion criteria for PTSS screening (experienced 2-3 years of grief). Ten participants agreed to be interviewed. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Two main themes emerged consisting of physical and psychological responses of nurses. Trembling and being scared have been the consistent response up to several years after the incident. The results of the study can serve as source of information for developing nursing skills in the prevention and mitigation stage of disaster, as well as for the formulation of supportive policies.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIJINNA (International Journal of Indonesian National Nurses Association)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2018


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