Policy, Supporting Infrastructure and Market of Electric Cars in Indonesia

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The zero-emission transportation target has driven the development and adoption of Electric Vehicles (EV) across the globe, including Indonesia. This policy aims to reduce greenhouse gas and fossil fuel use. Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest automotive development in ASEAN. This also makes the electric cars market in Indonesia has enormous potential. This research will discuss the trend of electric cars in Indonesia including the policy, technology, supporting infrastructure and electric cars market in Indonesia. Based on Presidential Regulation No. 55 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery Electric Vehicle Program for Road Transportation, the Government encourages the development of the electric car technology industry. The government encourages the use of electric car technology by providing incentives to consumers and manufacturers. The government has also built quality 148 public electric vehicle charging station (PEVCS) and 39 standards related to electric cars. Sales of electric cars in Indonesia increased 74,18% in 2020 and 52,61% in mid-2021. In this study, we found that the challenge for the use of electric cars in Indonesia is lack of charging station infrastructure and standards related to electric cars. In order for the government's program to encourage the use of electric cars in Indonesia to be achieved, a complete and integrated smart transportation management system is needed where all entities are aware of the efficient use of energy to create sustainable transportation. The integration of transportation management systems is not possible without the cooperation and collaboration of car manufacturers, scientists, power companies, governments, and standards organizations

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Istanbul, Turkey
PublisherIEOM Society International
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Electric Vehicle (EV)
  • EV Policy
  • EV Infrastructure
  • EV Technology
  • EV Market


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