Physicochemical Properties of Resistant Starch from Acid Hydrolysis and Heat Moisture Treatment of Corn Starch

Tuti Wukirsari, Endang Saefudin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The increasing of diabetes prevalence both in Indonesia and in the world requires innovations in the food sector. In this study, modification of corn starch was carried out by acid hydrolysis (HA) and heat moisture treatment (HMT) with various combinations of HCl concentration and duration of HMT. Then the effect of HA and/or HMT modification on the physicochemical properties of corn starch was determined. The results showed that HA and/or HMT treatment reduced digestibility up to 56%, swelling power up to 10 times, and viscosity up to 2 times in modified starch. These data prove the rearrangement of the modified corn starch granule to become denser and more crystalline.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJurnal Agritechno
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2022


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