Photovoltaic Power Stabilization using Dynamic Power Injection Method

Rudi Darussalam, Muhammad Kuncoro, Candra Budi Sukmono, Iwa Garniwa

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


One of the challenges of photovoltaic (PV) is the instability of PV output power. This is caused by fluctuating of solar radiation falling on the surface of the PV module. For the PV scheme on Grid, power instability causes instability of the power system. Several methods have been developed to stabilize PV power including constant power generation (CPG), hybrid PV-generators and power smoothing. But there are still flaws in the method. In this paper, the Dynamic Power Injection (DPI) method is proposed to stabilize PV output power. DPI is a combination of the CPG method with energy storage. The DPI stabilizes PV output power according to the predetermined setting power. Thus, PV output power can be kept constant without being affected by changes in load power. To obtain stable PV output power, the DPI performs two work functions, namely the CPG function by limiting PV power according to its power setting and the action of storage energy by absorbing excess power and active power shortage injection. The DPI module is designed by using the Arduino Mega microcontroller which is supported by voltage and current sensors and batteries as energy storage. The operation the DPI module works is by reading the parameters of incoming power, output power, and battery power. Then the output power is compared with the predetermined setting power. Based on the results of testing, the output power is almost close to the setting power with an error rate of 6.46%, however DPI can function properly to stabilize the output power with constant power by predetermined settings.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceeding - 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application
Subtitle of host publicationInnovative Technology Toward Energy Resilience, ICSEEA 2019
EditorsRakhmad Indra Pramana, Tinton Dwi Atmaja, Yanuandri Putrasari, Anwar Muqorobin, Aryo Putro Sadono, Sudirja Sudirja, Midriem Mirdanies, Erie Martides
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781728139319
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019
Event2019 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application, ICSEEA 2019 - Tangerang, Indonesia
Duration: 23 Oct 201924 Oct 2019

Publication series

NameProceeding - 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application: Innovative Technology Toward Energy Resilience, ICSEEA 2019


Conference2019 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application, ICSEEA 2019


  • Constant Power Generation
  • Dynamic Power Injection
  • Photovoltaic
  • Power Stability


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