Performance analysis of power train electric vehicle transmission two speed with reverse engineering method

F. Zainuri, D. A. Sumarsono, M. Adhitya, R. Siregar, S. Prasetya, G. Heryana, Nazaruddin1, R. Subarkah, Widiyatmoko

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This study analysed the powertrain electric vehicle (EV) system performance with two-speed transmission.This research analysed various terrain conditions as a variable that will be used as a reference in measuring the level of reliability of the vehicle's performance, refers to its specification, center of gravity and tires radius. The results were obtained by selecting suitable transmission ratio which are 1.96 for the first gear and 1.25 for second gear. The required traction to do gearshift by the motor is not big enough thus the gearshift becomes smoother. Base on the friction analysis with traction, it can be concluded that in a 10° road slope, the vehicle is unable to yield traction of 6000 rpm at second gear due to the slope drag is higher than the vehicle traction. As a result, the vehicle is able to travel of 65.30 km/h at second gear while of 49.98 km/h at the fisrt gear. Whereas at a slope of 20°, the result showed that the vehicle is able toyield traction of 5000 rpm at first gear due to the slope drag is higher than the vehicle thrust/traction. Therefore, the vehicle is able to travel of 41.65 km/h at the second gear and of 49.98 km/h at the first gear. Three variations of the existing slope will be used to determine the performance of electric vehicles based on the performance of the transmission that will be used as the basis for designing a new transmissions box for further electric conversion vehicles.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)417-427
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Electric vehicle, EV transmission
  • Gear ratio
  • Powertrain
  • Traction force


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