Perceived family support among older persons in diabetes mellitus self-management

Niko Dima Kristianingrum, Wiwin Wiarsih, Astuti Yuni Nursasi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The aging process has functional consequences for older persons, such as degenerative processes of the pancreas resulting in diabetes mellitus. The increasing age of the population will eventually lead to increasing health problems of older persons, including diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term care through self-management. Diabetes self-management in older persons is influenced by family support as the main support system. This study aimed to explore perceived family support by older persons in diabetes mellitus self-management. Methods: This study applied descriptive phenomenology method. The data were collected through in-depth interviews. There were nine older persons with diabetes mellitus as participants. Data consisted of in-depth interview recordings and field notes. Data were transcribed and analyzed using Colaizzi's method. Results: The results identified that family support as perceived by older persons included daily activity assistance, assistance with obtaining health services, food preparation, financial support, attention, guidance, and problem solving. The response to family support was pleasure as expressed by the older persons. Conclusions: Physical and economic limitations were a significant hindrance to self-management of diabetes mellitus in older persons; therefore, they require family support to optimize their independence. The results of this study highlight the importance of family support in diabetes mellitus self-management in older persons.

Original languageEnglish
Article number304
JournalBMC Geriatrics
Publication statusPublished - 19 Dec 2018


  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Family support
  • Older persons
  • Self-management


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