Perbedaan Berat Badan Bayi, Asupan Zat Gizi Ibu dan Bayi serta Pengetahuan Ibu Sebelum dan Sesudah Program Keluarga Binaan di Desa Kaliwangi, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah

Translated title of the contribution: Differences in Baby Weight, Maternal and Infant Nutrient Intake and Mother's Knowledge Before and After the Assisted Family Program in Kaliwangi Village, Purwokerto, Central Java

Stephanie Yesica, Asih Setiarini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Nutrition Awareness National Movement Program where this movement is a reinforcement of the previous program, namely KADARZI (Nutrition Awareness Family). Health education through a family approach in the assisted family program is an effort to improve nutrition through an approach to families who have nutritional and health problems or families who need guidance from health workers to maintain or improve health. Objective: To determine differences in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of family mothers after providing nutrition interventions for fostered families in Kaliwangi Village, Purwokerto, Central Java. Methods: The method used in writing this article is a case study, the researchers provided regular and measurable interventions to only 1 selected family with more than 1 nutritional problem in Kaliwangi Village, Central Java and saw the difference before and after intervention in the form of education and provision of supplementary food. The research was conducted from 13 January 2018 to 9 February 2018, the Information, Education and Communication (IEC) media used included leaflets, brochures, booklets, videos developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, data collection used instruments in the form of a 1x24 hour recall form and Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), data analysis used scores pre and post test before and after given the intervention in the form of interviews, lectures and discussions and demonstrations. Results: Increased infant weight by 600 grams for 10 days, maternal nutrient intake from 65% to 80%, infant nutritional intake from 65% to 109.5% (average yield of 4 days of complementary feeding), nutritional knowledge and health for the mother (pre-test mean 73 and post-test 96). Conclusion: There is a difference before and after the intervention in the form of education and supplementary feeding in the form of an increase in infant weight by 600 grams for 10 days, an increase in the percentage of maternal nutritional intake from 65% to 80%, infant nutritional intake from 65% to 109, 5%, knowledge of nutrition and health for mothers from 73 to 96.

Translated title of the contributionDifferences in Baby Weight, Maternal and Infant Nutrient Intake and Mother's Knowledge Before and After the Assisted Family Program in Kaliwangi Village, Purwokerto, Central Java
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)605-613
Number of pages9
JournalMedia Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


  • Community Service
  • Fostered Family
  • Infant Weight Gain
  • Kadarzi
  • Maternal and Infant Nutrient Intake
  • Nutrition Knowledge and Maternal Health


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