Perancangan Peta Jalan Pengembangunan Industri Hasil Pertanian pada Wilayah Kabupaten dengan Metode VRISA dan Rantai Nilai

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Industry development is an alternative in social welfare improvement of a region. This research was conducted to develop a road map of industry development in Kabupaten Bengkayang, West Kalimantan. VRISA (Value, Rare, In-imitabillity, Substitutability and Appropriability) framework used to determine appropriate industrial products to be developed. Based on value chain method, the development strategy was constructed into main value chain and supporting value chain strategy. Output of analysis showed that corn-based product was preferred by VRISA framework, so it needs to be developed as appropriate industry for Kabupaten Bengkayang. There are three stages of industrial development in the corn-based industry, namely initial phase (basic foundation establishment), main phase (implementation), and final stage (harvesting). Time frame for all stages takes five years.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)53-63
JournalJurnal Manajemen Teknologi
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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