Peran prostaglandin pada pergerakan gigi ortodontik

Patricia Iskandar, Nia Ayu Ismaniati Suria

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Orthodontic tooth movement is a complex process, in which cellular and chemical changes occur. When a force is applied onto a tooth, it causes tissue injury, compression of periodontal ligament and bone deformation. These procedures lead to followed by certain biochemical reactions at cellular level which results in bone remodeling. Thus a process of signal transduction occurs. In this process, some messengers are released, including prostaglandin. Prostaglandin is an arachidonic acid metabolite, released when cell membrane is deformed. Prostaglandin, particularly PGE, play a role in bone metabolism and orthodontic tooth movement. Prostaglandin will stimulate the release of second messengers, i.e. cAMP and calcium intracellular. These second messengers will activate osteoclasts. Prostaglandin will also induce RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor κβ ligand) to initiate osteoclasts differentiation. Some researchers proved that application of prostaglandin in orthodontic treatment can accelerate tooth movement.
Original languageIndonesian
JournalJournal of Dentomaxillofacial Science
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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