Peran Beras Angkak dalam Mempercepat Penyembuhan Fraktur dengan Gangguan Vaskularisasi pada Rattus novergicus

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Angkak rice increase stimulation of osteoblast proliferation and provides an anabolic effect on bone mass. This study aims to know the effect of angkak rice on fracture healing with impaired vascularization.The study was divided into three stages: the first was to develop a model in the diaphysis femur fractureswith impaired vascularization. Phase two was to determine inter and intra-observer agreement with Allen and Salkeld modification scores. Phase three was to conduct experimental study with post test only control group. Forty five males R.novergicus were divided into 3 groups, then given angkak extract of 25x10mg/gBW and50x10-3mg/gBW. The control group given distilled water. Histopathologic examination of the 8 week showedno cartilage or bone formation. Allen scores indicated a proficient inter-observer and intra-observer agreement(kappa 0.759 and 0.746). Salkeld modification scores showed poorly in the inter-observer and intra-observeragreement (kappa 0.493 and 0.461). Based on the linear regression for Salkeld modification the constantcoefficient was 0.643 (p<0.001) and Allen score was 0.929 (p<0.001). The linear regression for Allen scorethe constant coefficient was -0.508 (p<0.001) and the Salkeld modification was 0.953 (p<0.001). There wasno neovascularization or fibrous tissue proliferation in the RYR 25 and 50. The 25 RYR had better healing andthe RYR 50 formed cartilage formation. Angkak rice administration accelerates fracture healing and the doseof 50 mg/kg gave better results than 25 mg/kg.
Original languageIndonesian
JournaleJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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