Peran Akupunktur dalam Penatalaksanaan Pasien Geriatri

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The percentage of the elderly in 2012 has reached over 7% of the total population in Indonesia. The important thing is related to the increase of these population the need an integrated health care to improve the functional capacity and quality of life. Geriatric patients are elderly patients who have special characteristics that differentiate it from the patient in general. The geriatric patients can get various kinds of drugs in large quantities because of multipatology condition. Non-pharmacological therapy may be an option to overcome the problems in elderly patients, thus reducing the amountof drug administered in geriatric patients. Acupuncture as a non-pharmacological modality therapy can be an option to help geriatric patients.
Original languageIndonesian
JournaleJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2014

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