Penyekat Beta sebagai Terapi Anti-Remodeling pada Gagal Jantung

Hilman Zulkifli Amin, Irsan Hasan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Cardiovascular diseases still become the leading cause of death in the world. All over the world, there are approximately 50 million deaths every year caused by cardiovascular diseases.Heart failure is known as one of cardiovascular diseases that frequently happened. In heart failurestate, there is a cell remodeling condition that implicated to lowering heart pump function. As thedevelopment progress of cardiovascular researches, beta-blocker has also been studied for its useas anti-remodeling therapy. Up to now, studies and researches related to that topic are still beingconducted. This paper made to acknowledge beta-blocker as anti-remodeling therapy in heartfailure. Structured PubMed search was conducted and yielded 93 articles; whereafter the inclusionand exclusion criteria were applied, 25 articles remained. After reading the full texts, 11 articleswere appraised concerning its validity, relevance, and aplicability. From 11 articles appraised, it was known that beta-blocker could be acted as anti-remodeling therapy by improving the heart function as shown by the increase of EF and decrease of LVESV and LVEDV in heart failurepatients on those studies.

Original languageEnglish
JournaleJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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