Penurunan Respon Nyeri Akut pada Bayi Prematur yang Dilakukan Prosedur Invasif Melalui Developmental Care

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Pain is a stimulus that can damage the developing brains of premature babies. Developmental care is one strategy in reduce pain caused by invasive procedure. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of developmental
care on acute pain response in premature babies who had been performed invasive procedure. This study used quasiexperiment research design non equivalen control group, before and after design, involving 42 sample consisted of 21 premature babies in both control and intervention groups, technical sampling used accidental sampling. This study founded that there was a significant difference in change score of acute pain response between on intervention and control groups (p= 0.000; α= 0.05), developmental care decreased 2,05 point of pain scores). Developmental care was recommended to be applied in nursing care for premature babies. Further research on effect developmental care on development of premature babies influence cognitive, languanges, and motor skills aspects need to be designed .
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)199-206
JournalJurnal Keperawatan Indonesia
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2011

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