Penurunan postpartum blues dan ansietas melalui terapi thought stopping dan terapi suportif pada ibu post partum dengan bayi prematur

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Postpartum mothers with premature babies born sectio caesaria will require a more adaptation process compared to normal postpartum mothers who gave birth to term infants. Postpartum mothers of premature infants mostly are at risk for postpartum blues and anxiety. The purpose of this study identified the effect of thought-stopping and supportive therapies on mothers of premature infants with postpartum blues and maternal anxiety. The research design used quasi-experiment with control group pretest-posttest design with consecutive sampling method. The research method used a quasi-experimental control group pretest-posttest design with consecutive sampling. The sample in this study was postpartum mothers with premature baby treated in Perina - Nicu room as many as 62 respondents, taken by convenience sampling. The instruments used in this study are HARS and EPDS. The instruments used in this study are HARS and EPDS. The results showed differences in postpartum blues and anxiety levels of postpartum mothers with premature infants significant (p-value = 0.000) between the groups thought-stopping therapy and supportive therapy with groups that receive nursing actions. Thought-stopping and supportive therapies can reduce mothers postpartum blues and anxiety with preterm infants twice as large as Ners nursing care.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)26-35
JournalCare : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kesehatan
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018


  • Anxiety; postpartum blues;supportive therapy;thought stopping

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