Dewi Gentari, Bob SW, Fitri Octaviana, Joedo Prihartono

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Background: Sleep disorder is one of the nonmotoric symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that often appears but rarely detected. Preserving and increasing sleep quality is very important to repair the motoric symptoms. The aims of this study are to know the types of sleep disorder experienced Parkinson patients and other factors that affect them. Method: A cross-sectional study was done from June until August 2008 on 45 Parkinson patients. Hamilton scale examination and MMSE were done to rule out heavy depression and cognitive disorders. Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was done for the initial filtering of sleep disorders. Patients that fulfill the inclusion criteria completed the PDSS.
Result: The average score of PDSS is 110,01. All study subjects have more than one type of sleep disorder. Seven types of sleep disorders, which is the maximum number of sleep disorder types that could be experienced by a subject in this study, are experienced by 31,1% subjects. Nocturia and nocturnal motoric symptoms are experienced by 93,3% of the subjects. A significant relationship is found among subjects that are receiving dopamine agonist therapy, have been sick for 5 years or more, and have advanced disease, with the number of sleep disorders. Conclusion: The majority of sleep disorders experienced by Parkinson patients in the neurology out clinic of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo are nocturia and nocturnal motoric symptoms. The factors that affect them are dopamine agonist therapy, disease duration, and disease stage.
Original languageDanish
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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