Pengaruh Terapi Self-Help Groupterhadap Koping Keluarga dengan Anak Retardasi Mental

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Family with children having mental retardation at Sumedang district are almost 10,898 childrenof 1,089,889 population and they are only 218 children which recorded at SLB-C at Sumedang district. The purpose of this study was to find descriptionof the effect of implementing self-help groups therapy toward coping family and children with mental retardation at SLB-C Sumedang district in 2009 and expected to decrease the risk factor of disturbance may occur. This study used quasi experimental pre-post test with control group by self help group intervention. The methode to pick up samples was purposive sampling, getting samples by 22 families. Data were collected using questionares of family characteristic and family coping. Self-help group has been done for two groups where the first group was given self-help group for six times of meeting (four times for guiding and two times for standing alone), while the second group was given self-help group. Data were analyzed using univariate method by calculating frequency distribution and central tendency. Bivariate analysis used independent sample t-test, chi-square and dependent sample t-test. Multivariate analysis used pearson product moment and rank spearman. Study result indicated improvement the abilities of coping family and children with mental retardation as means (pvalue = 0.000). It is recommended to build and implementing self-help group for family who had children with mental retardation.
Original languageIndonesian
JournalJurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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