"Pengaruh Kejatuhan Khilafah Turki Utsmani terhadap Perubahan Paradigma Pembangunan Negara-Bangsa Indonesia "

Muhammad Luthfi Zuhdi, Muhammad Syaroni Rofii

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The fall of the Ottoman Caliph in 1924 had a significant impact on changes in world order, more specifically the Islamic World. After the fall of the Khilafah in Turkey a wave of nationalism was initiated by Young Turks in Turkey which later triggered the birth of the Republic of Turkey and new countries that were previously under the auspices of Turkey. Sukarno as one of Indonesia's leaders also saw the Young Turks Movement and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's figure as an inspiration model for the birth of the Republic of Indonesia. This article aims to explain the change in perception and debate of the Indonesian elite regarding the development of the Indonesian nation-state after the fall of the Ottoman Caliph. This research uses a qualitative approach, while the method used is a case study by focusing on events after the fall of the Khilafah by utilizing data in the form of speeches, autobiographies, articles, historical documents and related literature sources as a way of answering reseach question.

Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)39-55
Number of pages17
JournalJurnal Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Ottoman Empire
  • Chaliph
  • Indonesian Nationalism
  • Nation State

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