Pengaruh Kedalaman Anoda pada Metode Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis (CGDE) dalam Degradasi Pewarna Tekstil Remazol Red

Dian Ratna Suminar, Nelson Saksono

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Textile dye waste having the main component of synthetic dye is hazardous to the surrounding environment. Textile dye waste treatment is physically and biologically less effective. Electrolysis plasma that used Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis (CGDE) method is part of chemical treatment. The anode depth parameters greatly affect the electrolysis CGDE method. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of anode depth on • OH production, the energy used in the degradation process, percent decolorization of Remazol Red RB 133, as well as knowing the decrease in COD concentration of Remazol Red batik dye RB 133. The anode depth in this study is 1.5 cm where the production of OH • 11.63 mmol and the processing energy for 30 minutes is 806.4 KJ. The largest Percentage degradation of Remazol Red RB 133 at concentration 250 ppm is 99,66%, that’s reach at depth 4.5 cm for 30 minutes with energy 1075,212 KJ. COD value has decreased from 169 mg/L to 3,6 mg/L after 180 minutes CGDE process (conform to waste quality standards).
Original languageIndonesian
JournalJurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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