Alifa Dimanti, Fitri Octaviana, Jofizal Jannis, Joedo Prihartono

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Background: Long term exposure to vibration may cause persistent sensorineuroral disorders as well as vascular and musculoskeletal disorders. Electroneurographic (ENG) examination is a gold standard to evaluate peripheral neuropathy due to vibration exposure in early phase. Hence, it can be used as an early detection before clinical manifestation occurs. Objectives: The main objectives of this study was to find the prevalence of HAVS based on Stockholm Workshop Scale (SWS), prevalence of peripheral neuropathy based on ENG examination in subject with vibration exposure, and to compare those results. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 42 bajaj drivers. All subjects were interviewed with Stockholm Workshop Scale and were done ENG examination in all of four extremities. Results: HAVS based on SWS occurs in 21.7% subjects while peripheral neuropathy as a result of ENG examination was 85.7% in both upper extremities and 14.3% and 7.1% in right and left lower extremities, respectively. Nerve Conduction Study (NCV) abnormality most common occurred in right motor radial nerves and left sensory median nerve. CTS-induced vibration in this study occurred in 19% and 16.7% in right and left hands. Axonopathy was found in all nerves that had been tested. Alcohol consumption has a significant correlation with peripheral neuropathy (p=0.019). Conclusion: Exposure to vibration caused disorders in peripheral nerves system such as motor and sensory neuropathy, axonopathy, and CTS-induced vibration. ENG examination can be used to detect neuropathy before clinical manifestation occurs.
Original languageIndonesian
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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