Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh Dalam Menentukan Lokasi Potensi Budidaya Rumput Laut Berdasarkan Parameter Oceanografi di Perairan Laut Cirebon-Jawa Barat

Leonardus Arya Adiputra, Tjiong Giok Pin, Ratna Saraswati

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Seaweed is known as a water resource that contains various benefits for human life. One species of seaweed that is widely used is the Euchema Cottoni. The goal of this research is to identify potential sea areas that can be used as a site to cultivate seaweed. Determining potential areas is done by considering several oceanographic parameters such as salinity, sea surface temperature (SST), total suspended solids (TSS), clorophyll-a, sea surface currents, and bathymetry. Salinity, SST, TSS, and clorophyll-awill be acquired by remote sensing data processing of Landsat 8 OLI. Variations in sea surface current values are obtained according to OSCAR data processing. Analysis in this research uses spatial anlysis and descriptive analysis. The identification of potential seaweed cultivation areas are done according to the results of seaweed feasibility during west and east seasons by considering environmental conditions around Cirebon seawaters. Results of this research show that generally the study area is feasible as seaweed cultivation areas. Based on water area of 79.23 km2 , potential of seaweed cultivation in coastal areas of Cirebon has a percentage of 9,86% in the wet season, and 13,85% in the east season, and is located in water bodies of Lemahwungkuk Subdistrict, Mundu Subdistrict, part of Kejaksan Subdistrict, and part of Astanajapura Subdistrict.
Original languageIndonesian
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventProceeding Seminar Nasional Geografi & Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2018 - ID, Depok, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2018 → …


ConferenceProceeding Seminar Nasional Geografi & Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2018
Period1/01/18 → …


  • Euchema cottoni, Feasibility, Landsat 8 OLI, Potential, Remote Sensing

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