P-600 Characteristics of advanced gastric cancer patients and factors associated with post-surgical complications in Mangunkusumo Hospital Mangunkusomo The period January 2009–July 2014

Parhusip Binsar, Agi Satria Putranto

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


Objective: The prevalence of advanced gastric cancer is 4% of the total cancer prevalence of poor prognosis and life expectancy of five years in ranged between 3% and 13%. There geographic variation and risk factors that play a role in the incidence and delays the diagnosis of advanced gastric cancer to reduce the recurrence rate and improve the survival of a variety of aggressive surgical procedures have been implemented. Surgical treatment for advanced gastric cancer is controversial. Methods: We analyzed the surgical experience with advanced gastric carcinoma in Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia-Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunku Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Mangunkusumo Hospital Mangunkusomo Jakarta, Agustus 201 from January 2009 through July 2014. This study aims to look at the characteristics and factors associated with the occurrence of postoperative complications We retrospectively analyzed surgical morbidity, mortality, and factors associated with prognosis. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat karakteristik dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya komplikasi pasca operasiSurvival was analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier method, and the curves were compared with the log-rank test. Significance was assigned at p < 0.05. Results: Seventy-six cases were identified. Mean patient age was 56 + 14.5 years. Thirty-nine patients (51.3%) were male. Tujuh puluh enam pasien telah dilakukan tindakan pembedahan oleh divisi bedah digestive RSCM yang terdiri dari 44 pasien laki-laki dan 32 pasien perempuan dengan usia berkisar antara 40–70 tahunKeluhan utama pasien kanker lambung lanjut adalah perut terasa cepat penuh sebanyak 69 pasien (90.8%) dengan durasi ≤ 1 bulan sebanyak 63 pasien (82.9%) dan median durasi adalah 1 tahun sampai dilakukan tindakan bedaThe main complaint advanced gastric cancer patients is the stomach feel full faster by 60 patients (79%) with a duration of ≤ 1 month were 63 patients (82.9%) and the median duration was 1 year until surgical intervention. Faktor risiko yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Sosio ekonomi rendah 72 pasien (94,7%), Diet Tinggi garam sebanyak 71 pasien (93.4%), golongan darah A sebanyak 68 pasien (89.5%),makan sayuran dan buah mentah sebanyak 58 pasien (79,3%), makan masakakan asap/kurang masak sebanyak 45 pasien (59,2%),merokok sebanyak 44 pasien (57,9%), suku Batak 28 pasien (36,7%),suku Jawa 20 pasien (26,3%), suku Padang 11 pasien (14,5% Tindakan operasi yang dilakukan terbanyak adalah sub total gastrectomi sebanyak 28 pasien (36.8%). Tipe histolopatologi yang sering ditemukan adalah adenokarsinoma tubular sebanyak 73 pasien (96.1%). Angka morbiditas adalah 21.7%. Komplikasi tersering infeksi luka operasi sebanyak 2 pasien (2,6%). Median lama perawatan pasien kanker lambung lanjut adalah 9 hari dengan rentang 7–15 hari. Pada studi ini tidak ditemukan rekurensi dalam 1 tahun pasca operasi maupun hubungan yang bermakna antara karakteristik pasien dengan komplikasi pasca operasi. The risk factors most commonly found is the low economic Socio 72 patients (94.7%), High salt diet were 71 patients (93.4%), blood group A were 68 patients (89.5%), eating raw vegetables and fruits as much as 58 patients (79.3%), eating smoke / less cook as many as 45 patients (59.2%), smoking as many as 44 patients (57.9%), Bataknese 24 patients (31,6%), Javanese 20 patients (26.3%), Padang tribe 14 patients (18,4% Patients were grouped according to surgical procedure: group 1 underwent resection (40 patients), group 2 underwent bypass procedures (10 patients), and group 3 underwent either celiotomy and biopsy alone or jejunostomy placement (26 patients). Twenty patients (26%) developed operative complications, but most were minor. There was no difference in morbidity between surgical groups and no difference according to patient's age. Operative mortality was 2.6%. Good palliation of symptoms was significantly more common in group 1 patients (82%) than in group 2 patients (60%) (P = 0.0001). Median survival was 8 months (95% confidence interval 4 to 12) for the entire cohort and 13, 5, and 3 months for groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively (P = 0.00001 for group 1 vs groups 2 and 3). Conclusion: Surgical resection for advanced gastric cancer can be done with low operative mortality and acceptable morbidity rates, and it provides patients with good symptomatic relief. Advanced patient age is not a contraindication for surgical treatment.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Nov 2014


  • advanced gastric cancer
  • metastatic
  • palliation
  • surgery


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