Oral mucosal burn caused by topical application of 36% policresulen solution - a case series

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Trauma of the oral mucosa could be the result from chemical, thermal, mechanical, radiation or electrical injuries, and it manifested as oral mucosal burn. Most of the oral mucosal chemical burn manifested as localized or diffuse area of ulcer or sloughing. The severity of this manifestation depends on the concentration of the substance and intensity of substance contact. Policresulen is a polymolecular organic acid and has therapeutic properties as a local hemostatic and antimicrobial agent along with a stringent properties. Case presentation: We are reporting six cases of oral mucosal burn due to topical use of policresulen. The clinical findings were vary including edema of the lips, ulceration, wide area of sloughing covering the underlying loss of mucosal integration and hemorrhagic crust of the lip. Conclusion: Regarding the easy access and easy use policresulen topical solution, there are disadvantages of using them without proper technique and instruction. There is a need to increase awareness and consideration of public, health professionals and Indonesian food and drug administration in using this medication and also the awareness of dentist in developed country since Indonesian overseas workers might bring along this drug.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)387-391
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue numberSpecialissue
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Chemical burns
  • Oral mucosal burn
  • Policresulen


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