Optimization of betaine-sorbitol natural deep eutectic solvent-based ultrasound-assisted extraction and pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of chlorogenic acid and caffeine content from robusta green coffee beans

Islamudin Ahmad, Adisya Miftah Syakfanaya, Azminah Azminah, Fadlina Chany Saputri, Abdul Mun'im

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Citations (Scopus)


Natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) is an alternative approach in natural product extraction with various advantages, including low toxicity, biodegradable, and suitable phytochemical compounds in a wide range of polarity. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) and caffeine, a well-known compound in the coffee bean, have various potential health benefits. This study aims to optimize the betaine–sorbitol NADES-based ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) method of CGA and caffeine from Robusta green coffee beans and determine the inhibitory activity of robusta green coffee beans extract of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE from the optimum condition on pancreatic lipase in vitro and in silico. The betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE factors as experimental design variable parameters include betaine-sorbitol ratio (0.5:1.2, 1.25:1.2, and 2:1.2 mol), extraction time (10, 35, and 60 min), and solid-liquid ratio (1:10, 1:20, and 1:30 g/mL). Response surface methodology and Box-Behnken Design were used to optimize the extraction process. The response surface was calculated by using CGA and caffeine content as response values. CGA and caffeine content was determined by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Whereas in vitro lipase inhibitory activity assay examined by spectrophotometric measurement and in silico molecular docking analysis on PDB ID: 1LPB. According to the results, the optimum conditions of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE have obtained the betaine-sorbitol ratio of 1.25: 1.2 mol, solid-liquid ratio of 1:30 mg/mL, and 60 min extraction time. Furthermore, obtained Robusta green coffee extract from the optimum condition of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE showed high potential to inhibit lipase activity with IC50 of 18.02 μg/ml, comparable with IC50 of standard CGA (11.90 μg/ml) and caffeine (15.59 μg/ml), where potential interaction of both standards was confirmed using molecular docking analysis. Our finding demonstrated the optimum condition of the betaine-sorbitol NADES-UAE method for CGA and caffeine extraction and the potential pancreatic lipase inhibition activity from the Robusta green coffee bean.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere07702
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2021


  • Caffeine
  • Chlorogenic acid
  • Natural deep eutectic solvent
  • Pancreatic lipase
  • Robusta green coffee beans
  • Ultrasonic-assisted extraction


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